Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Work.. work.. work...

The main reason why I've been stressed out the past couple of days is because of work.. or lack thereof. LOL Lucas' birthday is coming up and I don't really have any money saved up. Now is the worst time for an employment slump on my end since we (baby daddy and I) also plan to have Lucas baptized on his birthday. Yes, he's turning 4 and hasn't been baptized yet. :/

So anyway, I landed a client last night and that eased up some of the tension a bit. BUT! The problem with freelancing is that you don't really know if your client will pay you for work you rendered until they actually pay you. I was recently burned for work that amounted to some $1,000 and that has really left me feeling a bit hopeless and angry, to say the least. It also got me depressed because it put me in a position that I didn't want to be in -- once again considering on becoming a slave to the corporate world. Albeit offering a more stable income, I dread going back to work in the real world because I don't want to leave my son with my oh-so-competent (NOT!) help. I think about it and I swear, I CRY!

I'm really hoping that THIS client is good for his money because God knows I need it.

The job I got is more of editing than writing. Don't get me wrong, I love writing but churning out a string of words that make sense and is relevant to the topic being discussed can be overwhelmingly draining. Editing on the other hand, makes me question my own competency in the English language. Seriously, I find myself pulling up websites about grammar just to make sure that I'm right. hahaha!

I have come across writers that can write around 30 250-word articles in a day but by the time I'm done editing and proofreading their work, a 250-word article would be down to 100-words then I would have to make up for the lack in word count. There were even some that kept blabbing on and on in their articles but none of what they were saying actually made sense or even touched the topic! That's the problem with some "writers" these days. They have someone else write their assessment articles so they can get in then they race to submit one rubbish (sorry!) article after the other so they can earn a lot. Then editors have to suffer the repercussions. So advice to other freelance writers? ALWAYS quality over quantity, my dears.

I have a pile of 100 articles waiting to be proofread and edited and I need to get started on them right away..  like yesterday. LOL

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