Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Work.. work.. work...

The main reason why I've been stressed out the past couple of days is because of work.. or lack thereof. LOL Lucas' birthday is coming up and I don't really have any money saved up. Now is the worst time for an employment slump on my end since we (baby daddy and I) also plan to have Lucas baptized on his birthday. Yes, he's turning 4 and hasn't been baptized yet. :/

So anyway, I landed a client last night and that eased up some of the tension a bit. BUT! The problem with freelancing is that you don't really know if your client will pay you for work you rendered until they actually pay you. I was recently burned for work that amounted to some $1,000 and that has really left me feeling a bit hopeless and angry, to say the least. It also got me depressed because it put me in a position that I didn't want to be in -- once again considering on becoming a slave to the corporate world. Albeit offering a more stable income, I dread going back to work in the real world because I don't want to leave my son with my oh-so-competent (NOT!) help. I think about it and I swear, I CRY!

I'm really hoping that THIS client is good for his money because God knows I need it.

The job I got is more of editing than writing. Don't get me wrong, I love writing but churning out a string of words that make sense and is relevant to the topic being discussed can be overwhelmingly draining. Editing on the other hand, makes me question my own competency in the English language. Seriously, I find myself pulling up websites about grammar just to make sure that I'm right. hahaha!

I have come across writers that can write around 30 250-word articles in a day but by the time I'm done editing and proofreading their work, a 250-word article would be down to 100-words then I would have to make up for the lack in word count. There were even some that kept blabbing on and on in their articles but none of what they were saying actually made sense or even touched the topic! That's the problem with some "writers" these days. They have someone else write their assessment articles so they can get in then they race to submit one rubbish (sorry!) article after the other so they can earn a lot. Then editors have to suffer the repercussions. So advice to other freelance writers? ALWAYS quality over quantity, my dears.

I have a pile of 100 articles waiting to be proofread and edited and I need to get started on them right away..  like yesterday. LOL

I realized....

.... that if I wasn't so much of a hard-headed free spirit and did everything my mom said.. absolutely everything she said when I was a teenager..

a. Study hard
b. Fix your travel papers
c. don't let a man rule over your life...

I would have already traveled to places some people only dream about even before I became part of the employed population...

But I didn't do the things that she told me.. instead, I pretty much focused on NOT letting letter C happen. hahaha! You see, I am a heart girl. I would move mountains, count the stars, measure the volume of water on Earth with a teacup, and base all of my life's decisions on LOVE.

This aspect of myself has become as clear as the most flawless of diamonds to me now and I contemplate on whether I regret the decisions that I've made in my life. The truth is, I have made a LOT of bad decisions in my life, committed a lot of mistakes, cried and paid more than what was due for them.

But motherhood and falling in love with the man that gave me the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful blessing are not, and will never be part of the "mistake" list. After all, if I didn't go through all of the raucous, I would never have felt (and still feel) the kind of unconditional love and overwhelming bliss that I feel for this little one...

If asked what's my single most greatest achievement, I would say "Lucas" in a heartbeat. He and everything else that came along are the best things that have ever happened to me.

So when I think about the things that could have been, the places I could have seen, the events I could have taken part of, the wines, cups of coffee, and exquisite delicacies that I could have eaten in some of the most beautiful and romantic places in the world -- I look to my right, see one of God's most beautiful creations and feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and fulfillment.

And those feelings are what make me feel that I did everything right. <3

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chocolate Cravings

I had about one of the worst days ever! I am not going to discuss it in detail because I'm choosing to just let it go and hope for the best tomorrow. :) But I really want to thank Jane for being so thoughtful and sending me a text message. It really lifted my spirits. <3

Anyway, to rid myself of that crappy feeling, I decided to comb through Jin's blog right from the beginning. OMG she has got to be one of the funniest bloggers out there! Her posts made me laugh for the first time all day. :)

While Jane's blog always left me craving for hakaw and yang chow fried rice (I promise it's true! LOL), Jin's has got me craving for Swiss chocolates, chocolate truffles, and all sorts of pralines.

My idea of heaven would have a stand just like this on all sides. :P
Disclaimer: Not my photo.

 Right now, I'm craving for chocolates that my mom used to bring home from Dublin. Last I had any of those was about a year ago I think.. when she sent some for Lucas. Okay, I only gave him a little but in my defense, I didn't really allow him to eat sweets or chocolate until some 6 months ago. :P

Going back...

I am a dark chocolate kind of girl. As long as dark chocolate is involved, I am all for it. But dark mint chocolates (along with chocolate truffles) make it pretty high up on my list. :)

I don't like white chocolates or overly creamy milk chocolates. As weird as it may sound, they're too sweet for my liking. LOL However, I do love milk chocolates with hazelnuts, macadamia, or almonds. I also love those with fruits and nuts. Oooh I'm drooling right about now :D I also love chocolates with all sorts fillings like caramel, nougat (Mars!), coconut something something (Bounty!), peanut butter (Reese's!) and Almond Rocha!!!!

Okay, I am a chocoholic! Chocolates are my guilty pleasure. They always make me feel happy. <3

For some reason though, I don't like Patchi. Too creamy? I dunno. And I have yet to try Royce'. It seems that I'm always in a rush when I pass by their stall at Town. Hay.. I will make time!!

I'm blabbing again. I'm writing down my chocolate fantasies. hahaha!!

But anyway, I also wanted to include a self-reminder on this post.

I was reading through Jin's Scandinavian trip series and I remembered that one of the things that I've been dying to do since 2 years ago (I think) is to eat at a hotel breakfast buffet. I am not a breakfast person but I loovvveee breakfast food! Breads, jams, cheeses, cereals, bacon, scrambled eggs...ahhhhh I want! I want!!!

Sooo... for my 29th birthday, I need to remember to go and eat at a hotel breakfast buffet. It's more than 2 months away but I'm already excited. hahahah!!!

Suggestions, please? ;)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I Got a S.E.C.R.E.T! :P

Photo Credits to

I was feeling a bit low yesterday so I pretty much did nothing except read S.E.C.R.E.T. Yeah, that's what I do when I feel like my life is in shambles, I curl up in bed and either stare at the ceiling, watch reruns of Grey's Anatomy, or read a book.

I stumbled upon this book by chance as I was reading through one of those sites that offer spoilers for TV shows. Grey's didn't have a new episode this week and I was trying to find out why. Anyway, a link entitled "The Book that's Gonna Give Fifty Shades of Grey a Run for Its Money!" was flashing in neon lights (well, not really LOL) on the column at the right side of the page. Being a BIG fan of Fifty Shades (I swear, Christian is my ideal guy! Save maybe for the spanking.. I am like Anastasia when it comes to pain hahaha!), I naturally clicked on the link. 

Here's the book's synopsis:

In S.E.C.R.E.T there are…
No judgments. No limits. No shame.
Cassie Robichaud’s life has been filled with regret and loneliness since the death of her husband. She waits tables at the rundown Café Rose in New Orleans, and every night she heads home to her solitary one-bedroom apartment. But when she discovers a notebook left behind by a mysterious woman at the café, Cassie’s world is forever changed. The notebook’s stunningly explicit confessions shock and fascinate Cassie, and eventually lead her to S∙E∙C∙R∙E∙T, an underground society dedicated to helping women realize their wildest, most intimate sexual fantasies. Cassie soon immerses herself in an electrifying journey through a series of ten rapturous fantasies with gorgeous men who awaken and satisfy her like never before. As she is set free from her inhibitions, she discovers a new confidence that transforms her, giving her the courage to live passionately. Equal parts enticing, liberating and emotionally powerful, S∙E∙C∙R∙E∙T is a world where fantasy becomes reality.


My Thoughts:

I started reading around 4PM and by 8PM, I was already done. It's pretty captivating, if you ask me. But it's NOT as racy as Fifty Shades. Which is kinda good because you won't be left feeling an ache somewhere (if you know what I mean hahahaha!). BUT! There's still going to be something inside you that's gonna be screaming "Bloody Hell! I want that!"

It's all about unleashing a woman's sexual empowerment traits by living out sexual fantasies. Along with that, qualities such as bravery, confidence, and generosity are realized and developed. Okay, most of them are probably in the sexual context but at the end of Cassie's journey, she was well on her way to becoming a femme fatale! 

One of the scenarios that keep me wondering was her "sex with someone famous" fantasy. Through the description, it seemed to me like the "someone famous" character was P. Diddy. Or maybe it was only in my head because he's one of e-team crushes. LOL 

A question that has been looming over my head since I finished reading the book was: "If someone from S.E.C.R.E.T approached me, would I join?" Basing my answer on the society's motto -- No judgments. No limits. No shame., I think yes, if I were truly single. In my opinion, it's more than just living out sexual fantasies. But more of women empowerment in general. So yeah, I think it would be an awesome personal journey. 

Overall, this book is a good read especially for women who feel like they've hit a rut in their lives. And hey if you're married, you can live out your sexual fantasies with your better half. It's all about working it. :) 

Want a copy? Shoot me a comment with your email address <3