Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chocolate Cravings

I had about one of the worst days ever! I am not going to discuss it in detail because I'm choosing to just let it go and hope for the best tomorrow. :) But I really want to thank Jane for being so thoughtful and sending me a text message. It really lifted my spirits. <3

Anyway, to rid myself of that crappy feeling, I decided to comb through Jin's blog right from the beginning. OMG she has got to be one of the funniest bloggers out there! Her posts made me laugh for the first time all day. :)

While Jane's blog always left me craving for hakaw and yang chow fried rice (I promise it's true! LOL), Jin's has got me craving for Swiss chocolates, chocolate truffles, and all sorts of pralines.

My idea of heaven would have a stand just like this on all sides. :P
Disclaimer: Not my photo.

 Right now, I'm craving for chocolates that my mom used to bring home from Dublin. Last I had any of those was about a year ago I think.. when she sent some for Lucas. Okay, I only gave him a little but in my defense, I didn't really allow him to eat sweets or chocolate until some 6 months ago. :P

Going back...

I am a dark chocolate kind of girl. As long as dark chocolate is involved, I am all for it. But dark mint chocolates (along with chocolate truffles) make it pretty high up on my list. :)

I don't like white chocolates or overly creamy milk chocolates. As weird as it may sound, they're too sweet for my liking. LOL However, I do love milk chocolates with hazelnuts, macadamia, or almonds. I also love those with fruits and nuts. Oooh I'm drooling right about now :D I also love chocolates with all sorts fillings like caramel, nougat (Mars!), coconut something something (Bounty!), peanut butter (Reese's!) and Almond Rocha!!!!

Okay, I am a chocoholic! Chocolates are my guilty pleasure. They always make me feel happy. <3

For some reason though, I don't like Patchi. Too creamy? I dunno. And I have yet to try Royce'. It seems that I'm always in a rush when I pass by their stall at Town. Hay.. I will make time!!

I'm blabbing again. I'm writing down my chocolate fantasies. hahaha!!

But anyway, I also wanted to include a self-reminder on this post.

I was reading through Jin's Scandinavian trip series and I remembered that one of the things that I've been dying to do since 2 years ago (I think) is to eat at a hotel breakfast buffet. I am not a breakfast person but I loovvveee breakfast food! Breads, jams, cheeses, cereals, bacon, scrambled eggs...ahhhhh I want! I want!!!

Sooo... for my 29th birthday, I need to remember to go and eat at a hotel breakfast buffet. It's more than 2 months away but I'm already excited. hahahah!!!

Suggestions, please? ;)


  1. If you want somewhere near, then Belleveue has a wonderful breakfast buffet selection & you don't have to go that far. :) But if you're game to go on an "adventure"' then mandarin hotel has the BEST breakfast buffet, I heard. Haven't tried it myself though coz by the time I get there it's already lunch time haha.

    Btw, royce in town closed down na. Ur best bet is greenbelt. </3

    Hope you have a great day today to make up for the crappy one yesterday. Mwah! :-*

    PS- yes. Jin is a HOOT!! She always, always makes me laugh & I also love her to bits! :))

    1. Buti nalang you told me sarado na yung Royce' in Town, I was planning to go sana today hahahaha!
