Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Last Post for the Day... PROMISE! :P

I'm still not in the mood to tackle these assignments I have at hand so I'm going to blog. :)

I'm working on some articles for a law firm in the US and you wouldn't believe how boring it can get. As in! Nothing goes into my head when I do research. Hayayay.. :(

Anyway, I've been thinking about what I'm gonna do with this blog. Like, what am I going to write about etc. I've decided to NOT make it a niche blog. As much as I would like to write about my interests (makeup, food, parenting) alone, I find that taxing. So I'm just going to write about anything I want here.

I like to cook though so maybe you'll see a lot of the dishes I cooked and I'll probably share recipes.Kinda like the Jin Loves to Eat at Home posts that Jin does. I eat out too but I like hole-in-wall places and I tend to stick to the south.

I'm a work-at-home mom so I don't dress up a lot because I rarely go out. But I love makeup and often get a sudden urge to play with my stuff even if it's midnight. I'll try to post makeup tutorials too. :)

Of course, my life revolves around my son Lucas so you'll see a LOT of posts about him. My Facebook timeline and Instagram account are living proofs to that. I often think that maybe my friends are getting a little bored with my posts because they're all him or are about him. I rarely post pictures of myself anymore. LOL

Anyway, it's raining like crazy right now.. Wonder if there are classes tomorrow? It's funny how I'm back to that stage where I get up in the morning and hope there's no school. And you know what? When Lucas and I get home from school I'm always super wiped out! Like I always need a nap! To think all I have to do is sit around and wait for 2 hours or so. LOL But I have the ebooks which Jane sent (thank you so much, Jane!) me to help pass out time.

My friends and family don't know about my blog and I don't really plan on telling them about it because I want to be able to write down my thoughts without having to censor them. Yes, I do censor out the things I share with my inner circle. I don't know why, I just do. Complicates things a little less, I guess.

Oh well, it's time to tuck Lucas in bed now and I guess it's also time for me to face the inevitable.. WORK. If I had it my way, I wouldn't work at all! I'd just play mommy and wifey all my life. But things don't go the way we want now, do they?

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