Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Crazy Katsu with Life Long Friends

I don't have a lot of friends. In fact, my social circle is pretty much limited to the people I've been with since high school.
Circa 1996

Circa 2003

Pictures from a year or two back
 Okay so these are only the pictures of us girls. I'm too lazy to dig up my baul of photo albums to get the pics with the boys in our group. Besides, it will take me all night to sift through them. hehehe

Anyway, last week one of my girlfriends sent out a text blast saying that Blas (our friend who's now based in Australia) is home and wanted to meet up for dinner. Being the southerners that we are, we like to stick close to home when it comes to meet ups like this so we decided to go to BF Homes.

The first plan was to dine at Ritchie's Diner but when we got there, it was closed. :( Martin,our designated driver for the evening, suggested we cruise around to find somewhere to eat. While we were checking out the restos along Aguirre, Tet suddenly blurted out "Ayan oh! Crazy Katsu!" No one in our group has ever tried Crazy Katsu so I dunno if Martin was just really hungry but he just parked his car right away. LOL

Their menu was very limited. The server said their Torikatsu was their specialty dish so we ordered about 7 of those, 3 Torikatsu Salads (no picture, sorry), and 1 Torikatsu Curry.

I was expecting a Yabu-ish meal but what we had was not even half close to that. For the price, I would say it was okay. Honestly though, I expected a bit more in  terms of flavor. There just wasn't a WOW factor in any of the dishes. It was too fast food-ish for my taste. The curry was good enough though.
Nicky, Rustan, and Martin

Here's us after our not-so-satisfying meal.

Tetet, Cams, Lucas and I, Nicky, Blas, Rustan, and Martin

Lucas fell asleep halfway through dinner. Poor kid. LOL Blas wanted to show us their new house. We drove there (well, the boys drove.. we girls had a grand time being chauffered around hehehe) so he could give us a tour. He said his parents finally built their dream house. A bit of construction was still on-going but it was pretty amazing, if you ask me. The kind of home that I would want. Sorry, I didn't get to take pictures around the place as I was too busy trying to keep Lucas under control. He was "wow"-ing left and right. hehehe

A pullout pantry (is that what this is called? LOL) has always been a dream for me so here's my little monster and I, inspecting theirs.
Oh the things I could do in a kitchen as big as this!
Me climbing up the stairs.

Cooking area on their balcony
The only ones left here in the Philippines! :( 

As always, crazy fun-filled night with these kids (yes, we still think of ourselves as kids :p). Many may have moved elsewhere for greener pastures but it's nice to know that when they come home to the Philippines, we're always the first people they call. <3

To drink to our 16 years of friendship, we headed to Serenitea for a night cap. 

Blas and Martin ordering (and paying) for us. LOL
Yes, it was an alcohol-free kind of evening for us. A rare occurrence especially when we're with the boys. I can't say the same for tomorrow night though. Blas is hosting a send-off BBQ dinner party kind of thing (new balcony and all LOL). There hasn't been a time that I didn't come home from one of his parties crazy wasted. Long ago, you wouldn't imagine how hard I partied but that's long gone. I'm bringing Lucas as my shield and a car too so I'd have the perfect excuse to say no after a bottle.. or two... or three... HAHAHAHAHA!

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